Version: 0.1.0 (2018-01-05)


Encompasses groups of categories applicable to spectral imaging data.


Data items in the SPECTRAL_SPECTRUM category record the results of the spectrum measurements.


The wavelength value at the given spectrum point.

Units: nanometres


The relative reflectance at the given spectrum point.

Units: arbitrary_units


The CATEGORY of data items that specify the overall spectral imaging measurement information.


The environment that the measurement was conducted in.


airAir. (default)
reducing_conditionsReducing conditions.
otherEnvironment not in this list.


Human-readable description of the measurement environment given as the _spectral_measurement.environment data item value.


The date and time (timestamp) recorded at the start of the measurement experiment. The timestamp should preferably be expressed as specified in RFC 3339, however, a date only time (YYYY-MM-DD) is also acceptable.


The date and time (timestamp) recorded at the end of the measurement experiment. The timestamp should preferably be expressed as specified in RFC 3339, however, a date only time (YYYY-MM-DD) is also acceptable.


The pressure at which the sample was measured.

Units: kilopascals


The temperature at which the sample was measured.

Units: kelvins


The exposure time spent acquiring a single spectrum.

Units: seconds


The CATEGORY of data items that specify the spectra measurement device information.


The physical location of the device at the time of the measurement.

The name of the company that produced the measuring device.


The model of the the measuring device.


The serial number of the the measuring device.


Human-readable description of the measurement device.


The camera type of the measuring device.


SWIRShort wave infrared camera
NIRNear infrared camera
VISVisual inspection camera