Version: 0.0.1+DDL1-version.0.036 (2018-10-08)
- _cod_original_cell_volume
- _cod_original_formula_weight
- _cod_original_formula_units_Z
- _cod_original_formula_sum
- _cod_original_formula_moiety
- _cod_original_formula_iupac
- _cod_original_sg_symbol_H-M
- _cod_original_sg_symbol_Hall
- _cod_original_sg_number
- _cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig
- _cod_chemical_formula_moiety_orig
- _cod_cif_authors_sg_H-M
- _cod_cif_authors_sg_Hall
- _cod_cif_authors_sg_number
- _cod_text
- _cod_suboptimal_structure
- _cod_molecule_is_polymer
- _cod_molecule_atom_label
- _cod_molecule_atom_orig_label
- _cod_molecule_atom_symmetry
- _cod_molecule_atom_symop_id
- _cod_molecule_atom_symop_xyz
- _cod_molecule_atom_transl_id
- _cod_molecule_atom_transl_x
- _cod_molecule_atom_transl_y
- _cod_molecule_atom_transl_z
- _cod_molecule_atom_mult
- _cod_molecule_atom_mult_ratio
- _cod_molecule_atom_assembly
- _cod_molecule_atom_group
Tells that the data block containing this value describes a structure that is an enantiomer of the structure specified in another COD entry, given as COD ID.
Value | Description |
_cod_enantiomer_of 1234567 | The value of this data item is a COD ID (a.k.a COD identifier). The COD record with this COD identifier contains a structure of the enantiomeric compound. |
Data items in this category are to be used for flagging and managing duplicate entries when they are spotted in the COD.
Value | Description |
_cod_duplicate_entry 2011331 | Example 1 - based on COD entry 1000000.cif, revision 350 svn:// []( |
Specifies that the COD entry containing this data item is considered to be a duplicate of another entry. The COD ID of this other entry, which is considered to be "primary" entry for the structure, is specified as a value of this data item. As a rule, the "primary" entry should be the most complete and comprehensive structure description in the COD.
This data item is intended to give hints as to which entries carry exactly the same information and might be excluded from statistics. Normally, the duplicates are not deposited into the COD; if a duplicate is already in the COD collection, however, it cannot be simply removed since COD IDs are assigned permanently. Thus, this data item is used to flag such entries when noticed.
Data items from this category are used to record and trace sources of information deposited into the COD.
Value | Description |
| Example 1 - based on COD entry 2221282.cif, revision 715 svn:// []( |
Specifies the name of the file that served as the source of the data for this COD entry. The file name should be recoded without the path or other URL components since these components usually have no sense on the recipient's system. In Unix parlance, the value recorded should be the basename of the original file. If the full, permanent URL or URN is known and recorded the _cod_data_source_URN or _cod_data_source_URL data items should be used instead.
For many data sources, however, the basename contains enough information to locate the original source. For instance, CIFs published in IUCr journals have a Coeditor Code as a CIF file name permitting to identify the original paper where the structure is discussed. Other journals may use the DOI of the original article as a part of the file name of the supplementary CIF file, which also permits one to trace back the original paper.
Specifies the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the file that served as a source of data in this COD entry. If the full, permanent URI is known and recorded, this may be used instead of _cod_data_source_file. For many data sources, however, the basename contains enough information to locate the original source. See full discussion under _cod_data_source_file.
Specifies the uniform resource locator (URL) of the file that served as a source of data in this COD entry. If the full, permanent URL is known and recorded, this may be used instead of _cod_data_source_file. For many data sources, however, the basename contains enough information to locate the original source. See full discussion under _cod_data_source_file.
Specifies the uniform resource name (URN) of the file that served as a source of data in this COD entry. If the full, permanent URN is known and recorded, this may be used instead of _cod_data_source_file. For many data sources, however, the basename contains enough information to locate the original source. See full discussion under _cod_data_source_file.
Specifies the name of the data block within the file specified using the _cod_data_source_file data item that served as a source of data in this COD entry. Only the data block name following the 'data_' header keyword should be recorded, not the whole data block header; i.e. the value specified here should be 'I', *not* 'data_I', for a data block with the header 'data_I'.
Currently, only one source of data, the data block that contained cell constants and atomic coordinates, is recorded, and thus this data item is not placed into a loop. If the data source file is not a CIF, this data iten is irrelevant and may be omitted or may contain value '.' (dot).
Provides MD5 cryptographic checksum of the source data file that was used to generate this COD entry. The checksum should be computed from the same file that is referenced using the _cod_data_source_file data item.
Provides SHA1 cryptographic checksum of the source data file that was used to generate this COD entry. The checksum should be computed from the same file that is referenced using the _cod_data_source_file data item.
Provides SHA256 cryptographic checksum of the source data file that was used to generate this COD entry. The checksum should be computed from the same file that is referenced using the _cod_data_source_file data item.
Data from this category flag and describe problems (errors, warnings, etc.) that were discovered in a particular COD entry during deposition, validation or review.
Value | Description |
... provide error and warning example from COD here | ... provide the COD source reference here |
Describes the severity of errors if such are detected in COD entries:
'none': means that the entry is clean and can be used with confidence; normally the data item with this value can be omitted.
'warnings': data or syntax have suspicious properties, or some missing pieces of information, but the main data items (unit cell, coordinates, chemical formula) should be mostly correct.
Warnings may be used to indicate internal
inconsistencies (e.g. mismatches between declared
chemical formula sum and the actual atomic composition)
that do not show an obviously incorrect structure;
unusual bond geometries, valencies, packing voids, etc.
'errors': the file has serious errors; the data are either wrong or unusable due to dictionary non-conformance, obvious data errors, known experimental errors, missing data items.
'retracted': the original paper describing the structure, or the COD CIF file was retracted by authors.
Value | Description |
none | no errors are detected in this entry (may be omitted) |
warnings | some suspicious properties of the data or syntax |
errors | mistakes in the file that make data unusable |
retracted | structure or paper was retracted by authors |
Describes the most distant (i.e. the closest to the data origin) COD source where the origin of the detected problem (error, warning, etc.) can be traced back.
Value | Description |
deposition | Problems were introduced at the stage of structure deposition to COD. The entry should be corrected after consulting the original data source if it is available. |
upstream | Problems were introduced in the intermediate source (another database, Web site, review publication, etc.) from which COD obtained data, but the original publication is either not found or is correct. In the latter case, obviously, the problem will be corrected from the original publication, but the erroneous COD entry can be flagged for documentation purposes and committed to the version control repository before correction. |
original | Problem can be traced back to the original publication. Despite the problem in the publication, there are no indications however that the experiment was performed incorrectly. |
experiment | Problems were introduced when performing the experiment. |
unknown | The source of the problem is not known. |
Provides a human-readable description of the problems identified in the COD entry bearing the _cod_error_* records.
Data items from this category are used for COD bookkeeping records, such as the assigned COD ID (a.k.a COD database code).
Value | Description |
_cod_database_code 2011000 | Example 1 - based on COD entry 2011000.cif, revision 966 svn:// []( |
Specifies the COD ID assigned upon deposition into COD to the crystal structure described in the CIF.
Units: none
Specifies the COD ID of the Fobs file. Normally, the same ID is assigned in the COD for both the coordinates and the structure factor (a.k.a Fobs) CIF; for powder diffraction experiments, however, one set of diffractograms will be assigned a single COD ID, and all phases refined against them will refer to this single observed data COD ID, while each phase will get a distinct COD ID of its own. It may be usual, although not required, that the diffractogram set gets the same COD ID as is assigned to the first phase in the experiment.
Units: none
Specifies COD ID(s) of coordinate files that were determined from this observed dataset; to be inserted into COD Fobs (.hkl) files.
Units: none
Data items from this category are used for adding COD depositor comments, notes, structure rating, remarks.
Value | Description |
| Example 1 - based on COD entry 2000017.cif, revision 3898 svn:// []( |
| Example 2 - based on COD entry 2000154.cif, revision 966 svn:// []( |
Human readable comments from COD depositors, and human readable log records from CIF processing programs.
Data items in this category describe related entries in COD or other databases. Related entries may contain alternative results on the same structure, structures of the same compound under different conditions, theoretical models of the same compound (if such are published in the same paper as the experimental structure for comparison), or examples of alternative structure interpretation (using different space group or setting).
Some of these related structures might be suboptimal, i.e. they may contain interpretation of the structural data that was deliberately processed in a way that is not the best and are provided here only for reference and comparison purposes. Care should be taken that such suboptimal structures are not used for computations or statistics, except when comparing with the related optimal structure.
Contains a COD database code for the COD entry that contains the optimally solved structure for the crystal or compound under consideration. This optimal structure should be used for all inferences; the current suboptimal structure is provided for illustration purposes only (e.g. to demonstrate that an alternative space group choice, structure solution method, or assumptions are indeed inferior and thus the optimal structure contains the correct ones).
Units: none
Contains COD database code or codes for suboptimal solutions of the same structure that may be provided by authors in the discussion of their structure solution strategy to provide evidence that the current structure is indeed solved correctly and in the best possible way.
Units: none
The CATEGORY of data items used to describe the relationship between a COD entry and related entries in the COD or other databases. Related entries may contain alternative results on the same structure, structures of the same compound under different conditions, theoretical models of the same compound (if such are published in the same paper as the experimental structure for comparison), or examples of alternative structure interpretation (using different space group or setting).
Value is a unique key to a set of COD_RELATED_ENTRY items in a looped list.
Contains database codes (COD, PCOD or TCOD IDs, PDB identifiers, etc.) for structures that are in some way related to the current structure (e.g. the same compound solved under different conditions, etc.)
Contains database codes (COD, PCOD or TCOD IDs, PDB identifiers, etc.) for structures that are in some way related to the current structure (e.g. the same compound solved under different conditions, etc.)
Contains the name of a database in which the related entry (with the code given in _cod_related_entry_code) is stored. If this data value is not given or has the value '.', it should be assumed that the code given in _cod_related_entry_code refers to the same database as the entry which is under discussion (i.e. from which the _cod_related_entry_code code is taken).
A human-readable short description of the related entry – how it is related to the current entry.
The uniform resource identifier (URI) of the related entry given in the _cod_related_entry_code data item.
Data items in this category record the original (author-supplied) values of certain data items subsequently altered in accordance with values computed by the COD scripts.
Value | Description |
| Example 1 - based on COD entry 1517788.cif []( This example includes extracts from other categories as supplied by the author/depositor. Note that the COD_ORIGINAL category contains data items analogous to those in several different core categories, and so should be regarded as a bookkeeping category. |
Original crystal unit cell volume provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_cell_volume' data item value).
Original chemical formula mass in daltons provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_weight' data item value).
Original number of the formula units in the unit cell provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_cell_formula_units_Z' data item value).
Original chemical formula in which all discrete bonded residues and ions are summed over the constituent elements following the Hill system ordering provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_sum' data item value).
Original chemical formula with each discrete bonded residue or ion shown as a separate moiety provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_moiety' data item value).
Original chemical formula expressed in conformance with IUPAC rules for inorganic and metal-organic compounds where these conflict with the rules for any other _chemical_formula_ entries provided by the CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_iupac' data item value).
Original Hermann-Mauguin space group symbol provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by COD scripts (stored in the regular '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M' data item value).
Original space group symbol as described by Hall provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by COD scripts (stored in the regular '_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall' data item value).
Original space group number from International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A (2002) provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_space_group_IT_number' data item value).
Original chemical formula in which all discrete bonded residues and ions are summed over the constituent elements following the Hill system ordering provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_sum' data item value).
Original chemical formula with each discrete bonded residue or ion shown as a separate moiety. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_chemical_formula_moiety' data item value).
Original Hermann-Mauguin space group symbol provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by COD scripts (stored in the regular '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M' date item value).
Original space group symbol as described by Hall provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by COD scripts (stored in the regular '_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall' data item value).
Original space group number from International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A (2002) provided by CIF authors. Should be provided if it is different from the value computed by the COD scripts (stored in the regular '_space_group_IT_number' data item value).
this data item needs to be described
This code signals whether the entry represents a suboptimal description of the compound.
Value | Description |
yes | This entry does not represent the optimal description of the compound. There should be another entry in COD that contains optimal data for this crystal; this other entry should be used for inferences about the compound properties or for statistics. |
no | This entry should contain the best possible solution of the structure at the time of publication |
Default value: 'no'
This code signals whether the entry represents a part of a polymeric compound.
Value | Description |
yes | This entry represents a part of a polymer compound. |
no | This entry represents a non-polymeric compound. |
Default value: 'no'
Data items from this category are used to describe details of atoms of restored molecules. Data items belonging to this category are written by the cif_molecule script from svn:// repository. Data items belonging to this category are read by the cif_bonds_angles and some other scripts from svn:// repository.
Value | Description |
| Example 1 - excerpt of COD entry 1000002 (svn://, rev. 68669), processed with the cif_molecule script (svn://, rev. 2127) using –no-exclude-zero-occupancies option |
Label of an atom, restored from asymmetric unit using symmetry operators.
Label denoting the original atom, from which symmetrically equivalent atom was restored.
Description of transformation applied to the original atom, producing the symmetry equivalent, in the form S_ABC, where S is the number of the symmetry operator, given in the _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz list, and A-5, B-5 and C-5 denote the translation along the x, y and z axes respectively.
Number of the symmetry operator from the _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz list, that was used to produce the symmetry equivalent of the original atom.
Units: none
Symmetry operator, that was used to produce the symmetry equivalent of the original atom.
Translation identifier in the form of 'ABC', where A-5, B-5 and C-5 denotes translation along x, y and z axes respectively.
Units: none
Translation along the x axis.
Units: none
Translation along the y axis.
Units: none
Translation along the z axis.
Units: none
Number of total crystal symmetry operators divided by site's multiplicity ratio, as given in _cod_molecule_atom_mult_ratio.
Units: none
Multiplicity ratio: number of crystal symmetry operators that map this atom site to itself.
Units: none
A code which identifies a cluster of atoms in the restored molecule that show long-range positional disorder but are locally ordered. Within each such cluster of atoms, _cod_molecule_atom_group is used to identify the sites that are simultaneously occupied. This field is only needed if there is more than one cluster of disordered atoms showing independent local order.
A code which identifies a group of positionally disordered atom sites that are locally simultaneously occupied. Atoms that are positionally disordered over two or more sites (e.g. the hydrogen atoms of a methyl group that exists in two orientations) can be assigned to two or more groups. Sites belonging to the same group are simultaneously occupied, but those belonging to different groups are not.
Data items from this category are used to list symmetry operators mapping an original atom to each of its symmetry equivalents. Data items belonging to this category are written by the cif_molecule script from svn:// repository. Data items belonging to this category are read by the cif_bonds_angles and some other scripts from svn:// repository.
Value | Description |
| Example 1 - excerpt of COD entry 1000002 (svn://, rev. 68669), processed with cif_molecule script (svn://, rev. 2127) using –no-exclude-zero-occupancies option |
Label of an atom restored from the asymmetric unit using symmetry operators.
Symmetry operator that maps the original atom to its symmetry equivalent.
Defines date after which the structure should be released into the public domain, previously being held as prepublication material and not released publicly.
Specifies that the COD entry containing this data item is considered to describe the same crystal as another entry. The COD ID of this other entry, which is considered to be the "primary" entry for the crystal, is specified as a value of this data item. As a rule, the "primary" entry should be published first of all other entries describing the same crystal.
This data item is intended to give hints as to which entries carry exactly the same information and might be excluded from statistics. Normally, the duplicates are not deposited into the COD, although a COD entry marks the fact that a structure was published in scientific journals. Thus, more than one COD entry describing the same crystal can be deposited in COD, provided these descriptions were published in different papers. Thus, this data item is used to flag such entries when noticed.
Specifies what method (or class of methods) was used to determine the structure.
Value | Description |
single crystal | Crystal structure is determined in single crystal diffraction experiment. |
powder diffraction | Crystal structure is determined in powder diffraction diffraction experiment. |
theoretical | Crystal structure is determined in theoretical prediction, either ab-initio or using any sort of prior data, such as lattice constants and atomic composition. |